Silicon Institute of Technology (Silicon West) organized a one-day workshop on ‘Values in Health Care: A Spiritual Approach’ on 29 April 2022.
The event was organized to inculcate a spiritual approach towards life among the students and faculty members. It was conducted by Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya of Prajapita Brahma Kumari.
Eminent personalities from Global Hospital and Research Centre, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, addressed the event as key speakers. Doctor Brother Manoj from Pune, Brother Srinidhi from Global Hospital, Brahma Kumari Rupa, Brahma Kumari Krishna and Brahma Kumari Rashmi elucidated the key values in human life and encouraged the participants to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Various fun activities were conducted through which the participants were made to learn about the core values of life.
The event was coordinated by Brahma Kumari Parvati, Head of Prajapita Brahma Kumari, Sambalpur and Dr. Lalit Mohan Pradhan, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities (BSH), Silicon West.
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