Sep' 2023

Switch Club conducts ‘ASCI-2023: A Fusion of Innovation and Coding Excellence’

SiliconTech’s SWITCH (Silicon Wing of Technical and Coding Hub) Club conducted a month-long hackathon titled ‘ASCI-2023: A Fusion of Innovation and Coding Excellence’ from 12 August – 16 September 2023.

The objective of the hackathon was to ignite creativity, enhance problem-solving abilities, and foster the spirit of teamwork among coding enthusiasts.

Our students formed teams of maximum three members to participate in the hackathon. The hackathon, held in the online mode culminated with an offline presentation where the students showcased their innovative projects.

A total of fifteen teams ideated and innovated to address a range of real-world challenges.The two best-performing teams were recognized as the winners and runners-up. The winning team was ‘Cosmic Codemen’led by Aditya Kumar Dutta (CSE, 2025) and supported by Abhinav Singh(CSE, 2025) and Rajiv Lochan Dash (CSE, 2025). The runners-up title went to team ‘FlareUp’ led by Nischint Dash(CSE, 2025) and joined by Dharmaraj Jena(CEN, 2025) and Deepak Kumar Sahoo (CSE, 2025).

The winners and runners-up were awarded cash prizes and certificates. Additionally, the top five teams received exciting rewards as a gesture of appreciation.