Apr' 2024

Silicon University celebrates World Intellectual Property Day

The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Entrepreneurship Development (ED Cell) at SiliconTech, the engineering institute of Silicon University, celebrated the World Intellectual Property Day celebration on 26 April 2024.

World Intellectual Property Day, observed annually on 26 April, celebrates the role of Intellectual Property (IP) rights in fostering innovation and creativity. Established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000, the day aims to raise awareness about the importance of IP in encouraging creativity, protecting inventions, and driving economic growth. By celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, individuals, organizations, and nations can better appreciate the value of intellectual property and its impact on innovation and economic progress.

The IP Day celebration at Silicon comprised of a session on ‘How to Plan for Start-ups and Legal & Ethical Steps’ by Dr. Amaresh Panda, Head of the Technology Transfer Office at KIIT-TBI. The objective of the session was to raise awareness about the legal and ethical steps to establish a start-up.

Dr. Panda shared his extensive knowledge and expertise in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, offering valuable insights into navigating the complexities of this crucial phase. Engaging discussions on topics such as market research, business planning, financial planning, and intellectual property protection fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas and enhanced understanding among participants. They acquired practical insights into the process of translating innovative ideas into thriving startups, focusing on strategic planning, collaboration, and ethical considerations.

The session underscored the critical role of intellectual property rights in start-up success. It proved to be very valuable by raising awareness and comprehension of the legal and ethical dimensions of startup development, crucial for nurturing an ecosystem that promotes innovation and economic growth. A total of eighty students and faculty members actively participated in the session.