Nov' 2022

Entrepreneurship Development Cell organizes an expert talk on ‘Opportunities in Agri-Tech Start-up Ecosystem’

Silicon West’s Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell) organized an expert talk on ‘Opportunities in Agri-Tech Startup Ecosystem’ by Mr. Abhilash Varma, Founder & CEO, Handel Social Ventures on 24 November 2022.

The objective of this talk was to educate the students on the potential employability opportunities available in the Agri-Tech sector and motivate them to explore the career prospects in this sector.

The welcome address was delivered by Prof. Mihir Hota, Dean. Ms. Ankita Panda, Faculty-in-Charge, ED Cell shared her thoughts on the need of entrepreneurial mindset to create opportunities for the society. The resource person, Mr. Abhilash Varma spoke on the scope of social development through Agri-Tech Start-up ventures. He discussed how the new-age technological innovations have brought a paradigm shift in the agricultural process and products in the recent years. Furthermore, he explained how Agri-Tech can be an exciting career opportunity for budding technocrats and change the nation’s socioeconomic fabric for the better.

Siddhart Priyadarshi, CSE (2023) coordinated the program and Gourish Bhagat, ECE (2023) proposed the vote of thanks. More than 70 students, staff and faculty attended the talk.