May' 2024

Silicon University celebrates National Technology Day

SiliconTech, the engineering institute of Silicon University, celebrated National Technology Day on May 11, 2024.

India celebrates National Technology Day every year to commemorate the monumental nuclear test held at Pokhran on May 11, 1998. This significant occasion is a heartfelt tribute to the unparalleled technological strides achieved by our nation’s brilliant minds—scientists, researchers, engineers, and innovators. National Technology Day also symbolizes a commitment to innovation and recognizes the invaluable contributions of our youth in shaping the technological landscape.

The event featured an expert talk by Dr. Chitta Ranjan Mishra, a distinguished chemical scientist and technologist, renowned columnist, television anchor, accomplished author, and captivating orator. In his address, Dr. Mishra urged aspiring engineers to foster a profound scientific “hunger”—a relentless thirst for curiosity, inquiry, and a deep love for learning within their chosen field. He emphasized that nurturing this hunger would fuel their intellectual growth and ignite their passion for innovation and problem-solving. Dr. Mishra’s insightful discourse inspired the students to embrace a mindset of curiosity and determination in their pursuit of excellence.

A total of ninety-five students attended the event to enhance their knowledge about recent technical advancements.