Oct' 2023

SiliconTech celebrates IEEE Day 2023 on the theme ‘Technical Innovation and Science of Brain’

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) student chapter at SiliconTech celebrated the IEEE Day on 6 October 2023 with the theme ‘Technical Innovation and Science of Brain’.

IEEE Day is an annual celebration that marks the anniversary of the historic 1884 gathering where IEEE members from around the world came together to share their technical ideas. This global event showcases the remarkable ways in which thousands of IEEE members unite within their local communities to collaborate on innovative ideas that harness the power of technology for a brighter future. The mission of IEEE Day is to promote sustainable intelligent transportation systems and recognize the transformative role played by IEEE in technological advancements, such as the internet and autonomous vehicles.

The objective of the IEEE Day celebration at SiliconTech was to impart industrial skills and knowledge through a mix of theory and hands-on learning.

The distinguished speaker of the event was Dr. Ranjan Kumar Behera, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, IIT Patna. Dr. Behera delved into the industrial approach to Electric Vehicle (EV) integration, discussing EV design and technology, Vehicle Dynamics, Battery systems, and more. The participants also learned about manufacturing processes and casting technology for EV components, gaining a comprehensive insight into the EV industry and its practical applications.

A total of eighty students and faculty members enthusiastically participated in the event.