Nov' 2022

SiliconTech organizes the All India Power Engineers’ Meet (AIPEM)

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at SiliconTech organized the All India Power Engineers’ Meet (AIPEM) on ‘Emerging Technologies on Electrical Equipment and Products… Now and Next’ on 27 November 2022.

The objective of this meet was to provide an exposure to the well-researched views of experts in different areas of engineering.

The first session was chaired by Dr. A. K. Tripathy. The speakers for this session were Mr. Sonjib Banerjee, Mr. Y.V. Joshi, Mr. K.K. Murty, Dr. Aradhana Ray, Mr. Rajaram Shinde and Mr. R. Prakash. The second session was chaired by Mr. R. N. Nayak, Ex-Chief Managing Director, Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL). The speakers for this session were Mr. Gopa Kumar, Mr. Sethuraman, Dr Santanu Swain, Dr. Ramesh Suryavanshi, Dr. Y. P. Chawla and Dr. Satyanarayan. Both the sessions were moderated by Mr. P. K. Pattanaik.

The meeting witnessed participation by a large number of students, research scholars and industry experts.