Silicon West Examination Cell is responsible for conducting all the internal and external exams fairly and systematically. Members of the Cell are responsible for university registration of students, evaluation, publication and display results, semester-wise results analysis, maintaining student records, and meeting the university documentation requirements related to examinations.
The main objective of the Examination Committee is to conduct all examinations as per the academic calendar and regulations of the Institute. It facilitates the various examination processes, including conducting exams, evaluations, notification of results, and printing certificates for all the programs in Silicon West.
Prof. Manas Ranjan Jena |
Dr. Sohan Kumar Pande |
Dr. Sonalika Mishra |
Dr. Deepak Sahu |
Dr. Simanchal Bag |
Mr. Bijaya Shankar Tripathy |
The Examination Section possesses the following infrastructure for the smooth conduct of all its activities.
Silicon West follows a set of strict policies to ensure time-bound and fair conduct of all examinations with absolute integrity free from any scope for malpractice. In general, all written examinations are conducted in offline mode in the four dedicated examination halls. All examination halls are under electronic surveillance systems for fair conduct of the examination.
Under the circumstances, when students cannot come to the Institute, the examinations are conducted online in remote proctoring mode. Students have to equip themselves with the necessary infrastructure, devices, and bandwidth to appear for online examinations.
Students receive examination related notifications through the ERP system, DMS, e-mail, and notice boards displayed at the examination section, departments, and hostels.