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Manas Ranjan Jena, Guru Prasad Mishra, Amiya Bhusan Sahoo, and B. B. Mangaraj
, "Fractal Geometry and Its Application to Antenna Designs", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 3726-3743, 2019,DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9793.109119
.Ashutosh Rath and P. C. Swain
, "Discharge Measurement in Part of Hirakud Canal System, Odisha, India, Using Chiu’s Equation ", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer, Vol. 100, No. 3, pp. 479-486, 2019,DOI:
Ashutosh Rath and P. C. Swain
, "Determination of flow parameters in Mundoghat irrigation canal of Hirakud canal system using Flow measuring instrument ", Measurement, Elsevier, Vol. 136, pp. 298-306, 2019,DOI:
H. P. Satpathy, Sudeep Kumar Patel, and A. N. Nayak
, "Development of sustainable lightweight concrete using fly ash cenosphere and sintered fly ash aggregate ", Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 202, pp. 636-655, 2019,DOI:
Ashutosh Rath, S. Samantaray, and P. C. Swain
, "Flow Measurement in Huma Tail distributary of Hirakud Command Area, India using Chiu’s Equation ", Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 409-420, 2019.Ashutosh Rath and P. C. Swain
, "Water allocation from Hirakud Dam, Odisha, India for irrigation and power generation using optimization techniques", ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineerin, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 1-15, 2018,DOI:
Ashutosh Rath and P. C. Swain
, "Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Power Generation―A Case Study of Hirakud Reservoir, Odisha, India", Taiwan Water Conservancy, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 21-34, 2018.Sandeep Samantaray, Ashutosh Rath, and Prakash Chadra Swain
, "Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water in a Part of Hirakud Command Area", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 3002-3010, 2017,DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i4/170904039
.Tyagraj Thakur
, "Reclaiming the African Identity in a Globalised Era:Lalit Mohan Pradhan and C. K. Tripathy
, "An EOQ model for Weibull deteriorating item with ramp type demand and salvage value under trade credit system ", Scientific Journal of Logistics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 61-72, 2014.Ashutosh Rath, S. Biswal, S. Samantaray, and P C. Swain
, "Derivation of Optimal Cropping pattern in part of Hirakud command area using Cuckoo Search’ ", in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICAMT), Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, India, pp. 1-11, 2017,DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012068
.Ashutosh Rath, S. Samantaray, and P. C. Swain
, "Study of flow properties in Paramanpur canal Odisha, India using entropy theory", in Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanics & Materials, VSSUT, Burla, pp. 113-119, 2016.Sohan Kumar Pande, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, and Satyabrata Das
, "Energy-Aware Service Management algorithm in Vehicular Cloud Computing", in Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning, Springer, SoA, University, Bhubaneswar, .Ashutosh Rath, S. Biswal, S. Samantaray, and P. C. Swain
, "Discharge measurement in Sambalpur Distributary of Hirakud canal system, Odisha, India using Chiu’s equation ", in Proceedings of 49thIndian Water Works Association Convention , Pune, India, pp. 1-9, .It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.