Research Publications



D.P.Datta, A.Chettah, V.Siva, D.Kanjilal, P.K.Sahoo

, "Dewetting induced Au-Ge composite nanodot evolution
in SiO2
", Applied Surface Science, Elsevier, Vol. 428, pp. 676-683, 2018,

DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.09.176


Rabi Narayan Mishra and
Kanungo Barada Mohanty

, "Design and realization of an auto-tuned modified neuro-fuzzy sliding-mode-based IM drive deploying feedback linearization, ", European Power Electronics and Drives, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 28-42, 2018,

DOI: 10.1080/09398368.2018.1425242


Ambarish G. Mohapatra, Bright Keswani, and Saroj Kumar Lenka

, "ICT Specific Technological Changes in Precision Agriculture Environment", International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-16, 2018.

Ambarish G. Mohapatra, Bright Keswani, and Saroj Kumar Lenka

, "Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Based Smart DSS Model for Irrigation Notification and Control in Precision Agriculture ", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,India Section A: Physical Sciences,, Springer, Vol. 6

, No. 24, pp. 1-10, 2018,

DOI: 10.1007/s40010-017-0401-6


Pamela Chaudhury and Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy

, "An empirical study on attribute selection of student performance prediction model", International Journal of Learning Technology, Inderscience, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 241-252, 2017,

DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2017.088407


Rabindra K. Dalei, Ajit K. Nayak, Pradyumna K. Tripathy, and Satyananda Champati Rai

, "Content Centric Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 6234-6239, 2017.

S. Titus, S. Balakumar, M. Sakar, J. Das, and V.V. Srinivasu

, "Electron spin resonance of BeL-XScXFeO3 nanoparticulates: observation of an enhanced spin containing over a large temperature range ", Solid state Communication, Elsevier, Vol. 268, pp. 61-63, 2017,

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2017.08.006


Sudhansu Mohan Biswal, Biswajit Baral, Debashis De, and A. Sarkar

, "Simulation and comparative study on analog/RF and linearity performance of III–V semiconductor-based staggered heterojunction and InAs nanowire(nw) Tunnel FET ", Microsystem Technologies

, Springer, pp. 1-7, 2017,

DOI: 10.1007/s00542-017-3642-z


Bhagyalaxmi Jena and Sudhansu Sekhar Singh

, "An approach to spectral analysis of psychologically influenced speech", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1.2, pp. 66-70, 2017.

Chapala Maharana, Ch. Sanjeev Kumar Dash, and Bijan Bihari Misra

, "Extreme Learning Machine Classifier: a topical state of the art-survey", International Journal of Engiineering Science Invention, pp. 48-59, 2017.


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