Jun' 2021
Student Achievements

Prasansha Satpathy wins the prize for the ‘Best use of Google Cloud’ in Hack Girl Summer 2.0 hackathon

Prasansha Satpathy from the 2023 batch of B.Tech. CSE program at SiliconTech, won the prize for the ‘Best use of Google Cloud’ category in the ‘Hack Girl Summer 2.0’ online gender –focused hackathon, hosted by Major League Hackathon (MLH) during 4-6 Jun 2021. The prize was sponsored by Google.

Prasansha designed ‘ROSE’, a gender fair focused virtual assistant which assists in realization of unconscious bias. It is a masculine voiced AI assistant designed to ensure that the conversation is gender-neutral and all-inclusive.

‘ROSE’ was built using Google Dialogflow NLP and Google actions for the settings and other arrangements.

Prasansha plans on making ROSE more diverse, vibrant and useful by making it multi-linguistic using sentiment analysis to recognize sentiment, and using diverse conversations and discussions as intents and entities.