May' 2024

Silicon University organizes ‘Software Sprint: A Software Engineering Competition’

The Google Developer Students Club (GDSC) at SiliconTech, the engineering institute of Silicon University, collaborated with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) to organize ‘Software Sprint: A Software Engineering Competition’ on May 5, 2024.

The objective of the event was to provide valuable insights into software engineering and contemporary development processes. The participants were explained about agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. The event also covered coding standards, testing strategies, and code review processes. Additionally, different phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), from requirements gathering to deployment, along with project management techniques, were discussed, which are essential for quality software development.

The B.Tech. students from the 2026 and 2027 graduating batches showcased their software engineering skills by creating innovative project concepts. They formed ten teams to develop requirement statements, design artifacts, and user interface designs. The competition was time-sensitive, with each team having only 2.5 hours to design and detail their proposed projects.

Each team’s work was presented to a panel of experts, which included two industry professionals, Mr. Nihar Ranjan Rout and Mr. Akash Mohapatra, and two software engineering faculty members from Silicon, Dr. Pulak Sahoo and Dr. Saumyaranjan Das. The judges evaluated the teams based on the originality, applicability, and feasibility of their proposed solutions. They also provided valuable feedback and suggestions to help the teams improve their concepts.

Emion, the event’s sponsor, recognized the excellence of the participants by presenting gift hampers to the top three teams.

The event was coordinated by Dr. Samaleswari Prasad Nayak, Faculty Coordinator, GDSC, along with the student volunteers of the club.