“Switchtech Incubator Foundation”, an initiative by Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, incorporated as a Section 8 Company (Under the Companies Act 2013), has been recognized as an “Incubator” under the Odisha Start-up Policy-2016. This recognition was announced on 19 April 2022.
Switchtech Incubator was incorporated on 4 February 2021. Presently, the incubator is entitled to receive support from Start-up Odisha to build the start- up ecosystem.
The vision of the Incubator is to create a conducive ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship, strengthen the regional and national economy and enable start-ups to create new technology-based products. Its mission is to identify the potential entrepreneurs and help them to build their own enterprises along with motivating and training young students to take up entrepreneurship as a viable alternative.
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